
Which one of the following is not a component of 'Capital Receipts'?

Q. Which one of the following is not a component of 'Capital Receipts'?
  1. Market borrowings including special bonds
  2. External loans raised by the Central Government from abroad
  3. Receipts from taxes on property and capital transactions 
  4. Provident Funds (State Provident Funds and Public Provident Fund)
Answer: Receipts from taxes on property and capital transactions

Capital Receipts

Capital receipts refer to those receipts which either create liability or cause a reduction in the assets of the government. They are non-recurring and non-routine in nature.

Capital receipts will come from these three sources:
  1. The sale of fixed assets, which are tangible or intangible property owned or controlled by your company. Fixed assets are not as readily liquidated (converted to cash) as other assets (such as a company bank account).
  2. The sale of shares in the business, including both common and preferred stock. (Learn more about issuing shares for your business.)
  3. The issuing of debt instruments to your business, such as a bank loan. (Read up on good debt vs bad debt.)
The components of Capital Receipts are:
  • Recovery of loans and advances 
  • Disinvestment 
  • Borrowing (domestic and external) 
  • Small savings

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