
Which one of the following is not the example of planetary winds?

Q. Which one of the following is not the example of planetary winds?

A. Trade wind
B. Chinook wind
C. Land and sea breezes
D. Monsoon

Answer: Chinook


The general, permanent circula­tion of surface winds throughout the world is denoted by the term 'planetary winds'. The wind belts are basically controlled by the latitudinal pressure belts and by the forces produced by rotation of the earth.
The main planetary winds are:
(i) the North-east and the South-east Tradewinds
(ii) the Temperate Westerlies
(iii) the Polar Easterlies, which blow from the polar high-pressure area to the temperate low pre sure area.
Chinook is a warm dry southwesterly wind, similar to the Fohn in origin and character. It need be pointed out here that the Chinook or the Fohn is relatively much warmer than the air into which it is invading but in the absolute sense it may be even cold at times below freezing point of water.

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