
अलाई दरवाजा एवं हजार खम्भा महल का निर्माण किस खिलजी शासक ने करवाया?

Q. अलाई दरवाजा एवं हजार खम्भा महल का निर्माण किस खिलजी शासक ने करवाया?

A. कुतुबुद्दीन मुबारक खिलजी
B. खुशरों खाँ
C. जलालुद्दीन फिरोज खिलजी
D. अलाउद्दीन खिलजी

Answer: अलाउद्दीन खिलजी

हजार खम्भा महल

अलाउद्दीन के दरबार में अमीर खुसरों तथा हसन निजामी जैसे उच्च कोटि के विद्धानों को संरक्षण प्राप्त था। स्थापत्य कला के क्षेत्र में अलाउद्दीन खिलजी ने वृत्ताकार 'अलाई दरवाजा' अथवा 'कुश्क-ए-शिकार' का निर्माण करवाया। उसके द्वारा बनाया गया 'अलाई दरवाजा' प्रारम्भिक तुर्की कला का एक श्रेष्ठ नमूना माना जाता है। इसने सीरी के किले, हजार खम्भा महल का निर्माण किया।

In 1296, Alauddin constructed the Hauz-i-Alai (later Hauz-i-Khas) water reservoir, which covered an area of 70 acres, and had a stone masonry wall. Gradually, it became filled with mud and was designed by Firuz Shah Tughlaq around 1354. The autobiographical memoirs of Timur, who invaded Delhi in 1398, mention that the reservoir was a source of water for the city throughout the year.

In the early years of the 14th century, Alauddin built the Siri Fort. The fort walls were mainly constructed using rubble (in mud), although there are some traces of ashlar masonry (in lime and lime plaster). Alauddin camped in Siri during the 1303 Mongol invasion, and after the Mongols left, he built the Qasr-i-Hazar Situn palace at the site of his camp. The fortified city of Siri existed in the time of Timur, whose memoirs state that it had seven gates. It was destroyed by Sher Shah Suri in 1548, and only some of its ruined walls now survive.

Alauddin commissioned the Alai Darwaza, which was completed in 1311, and serves as the southern gateway leading to the Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque built by Qutb al-Din Aibak.

The construction of the Lal Mahal (Red Palace) sandstone building near Chausath Khamba has also attributed to Alauddin because its architecture and design is similar to that of the Alai Darwaza.

In 1311, Alauddin repaired the 100-acre Hauz-i-Shamasi reservoir that had been constructed by Shamsuddin Iltutmish in 1229 and also built a dome at its centre

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